Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Summertime, summertime, some some summertime...

It's been a long time since I posted to my blog. I almost forgot about it! It was a busy, busy year! The biggest news was probably that Olivia's high school soccer team became Division 4A soccer champs in February! Back-to-back soccer champs in our family! First Benjamin, then Olivia! The only difference is that Benjamin was a senior when the team accomplished their goal, but Olivia was a junior. That means she has more pressure on her - to see if they can become 2 time state champions. Will they do it? Time will tell..

The next big bit of excitement was that Olivia's comp soccer team became the State Champs in April for their U17 division. Two state championships in one year! However, the team lacked the excitement about this hurdle because they weren't playing State Cup. That was a decision the coaches made last summer. Their thinking was, "Let's just play comp as a way to keep on playing, stay in shape, and be ready for the high school season." But the girls felt they had better be good enough to win, after all, they were "state champions". But the excitement increased with each fundraiser they worked to make the money to go to Oklahoma for the Regionals.

At Regionals in Oklahoma, the girls had a hard time getting excited for the socializing before the tournament. They weren't in to the music, beach balls, and exchanging mementos from their state. (I don't think the organizers appreciated their apathy very much.) BUT, the majority of the girls had just traveled 22 hours in vans, packed like sardines, and all they were interested in was going back to the hotel and crashing for the night!

As the games were played, excitement grew with each win. The Cyclones played the final championship game against the home team - Oklahoma. We were the last teams on the field to play, so all the event organizers came out to watch! Florida was down one goal at halftime. Olivia, who hadn't played since the first game because of an unhealed back injury, asked to play the second half. Within minutes of the start of the half, Olivia scored on a set point! She played almost the remainder of the game, but it was evident she was in pain. Meredith scored in overtime to give us a lead of one. This tournament didn't allow Golden Goals; you HAD to play two 10 minute overtimes right down to the last minute. The Cyclones held the girls to keep the lead and became the Regional champs! Now they are on to Nationals for the US Youth Soccer in Murphreesboro, Tennessee in July! Couldn't get any takers for riding in vans this time. I wonder why?

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